Accelerating HEP Science:-Inference and Machine Learning at Extreme Scales

This project brings together ASCR and HEP researchers to develop and apply new methods and algorithms in the area of extreme-scale inference and machine learning. The research program melds high-performance computing and techniques for ​“big data” analysis to enable new avenues of scientific discovery.

Enabling Cosmic Discoveries in the Exascale Era

The overarching objective of this SciDAC-5 project is to create consistent predictions of the dark and visible Universe across redshifts, length scales and wavebands based on state-of-the-art cosmological simulations. The simulation suite will encompass large-volume, high-resolution gravity-only simulations and hydrodynamical simulations equipped with a comprehensive set of subgrid models covering both small and large volumes. The simulations will be coupled to a powerful analysis framework and associated tools to maximize the analysis flexibility and science return.