Nuclear Fusion

CETOP - A Center for Edge of Tokamak OPtimization

The project overarching objective is to develop the simulation capability and to perform extended MHD and (drift-gyro) kinetic simulations of non-ELMing (and some ELMing) regime operating points to close gaps in understanding, prediction, and optimization of edge stability for an FPP. I am leading a team to develop ML techniques for extracting reduced-order models, data reduction, and feature extraction to the existing non-ELM database (based on interpolation of data), and to extrapolate to new parameter regimes (such as coil currents for negative-triangularity shaping) for ELM-free optimization.

ML Assisted Equilibrium Reconstruction for Tokamak Experiments and Burning Plasmas

Deelop a framework for efficient and accurate equilibrium reconstructions, by automating and maximizing the information extracted from measurements and by leveraging physics-informed ML models constructed from experimental and synthetic solution databases to guide the search for the solution vector.