Paper accepted at 26th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS) main conference

Paper accepted at 26th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS) main conference

Our paper Sparsity-Inducing Categorical Prior Improves Robustness of the Information Bottleneck ( has been accepted at AISTATS 2023 ( and publication in the proceedings. This is a joint work with Michigan state university and Ian Fischer from Google Research. We present a novel sparsity-inducing spike-slab categorical prior that uses sparsity as a mechanism to provide the flexibility that allows each data point to learn its own dimension distribution. In addition, it provides a mechanism for learning a joint distribution of the latent variable and the sparsity, and hence it can account for the complete uncertainty in the latent space.

Sandeep Madireddy
Computer Scientist